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Fall Term

diving into the quantum realm

because the goal of this project shifted over time, take a peak at my final slideshow first to fully understand everything.

What is my GOAL for the project?

To learn about string and superspectrum theory, and if proven true what they would mean for how society views cryptids. 


WHY do I want to understand or be able to do this? How does it CONNECT to my interest, passion or goals?

I’ve been interested in cryptids for a while now (basically ever since listening to The Adventure Zone: Amnesty) and I want to learn more about them! I also have been talking to Fiona Nelson about superspectrum theory for a while, and our conversations have led me to be even more passionate about dimensional theory in comparison to the mystic. 


What ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) will guide my work? 

  1. What is string theory? What are its basic principles? How would I explain it to someone who doesn't know what it is? 

  2. What is superspectrum theory? How much of it intertwines with string theory? How much of it relies on strong theory? 

  3. If superspectrum is real, how should we begin to rethink our ideas of cryptids and aliens? What examples of Vermont cryptids or New England sightings need to be rethought or reconsidered? 


What EVIDENCE/ARTIFACTS will I produce to know (and show others) that I have met my goal?

My art journal, a vlog of me going cryptid hunting, and a TedTalk style presentation about superspectrum theory. 


How will I ASSESS the quality of the project? 

Here is the link to my rubric. 


Who can I INTERVIEW who has expertise in this field? What additional RESOURCES do I need?

I am going to see if I can interview a physicist at UVM. I would love to read John Keel’s book on superspectrum theory, if that could be arranged! 

What is the PROCESS for completing this project successfully? 

  1. Do some preliminary research about string theory and superspectrum theory 

  2. Order John Keel’s book, The Eighth Tower

  3. Assemble some basic notes (notes are going to be crucial to this project- I think writing down the new information and then rewriting it in my own words is going to be really important) 

  4. Read The Eighth Tower (using notation and writing notes while I read) 

  5. Assemble more advanced and succinct notes (p r e t t y)  

  6. Email a staffer at UVM’s physicist department to see if they would be interested in meeting with me for an informational interview 

  7. Start looking for cryptid sites in Vermont, if they’re accessible to me or not

  8. Read Green Mountains, Dark Tales by Joseph A. Citro 

  9. Meet with a staffer from UVM for an informational interview about string theory 

  10. Schedule days to go cryptid hunting 

  11. Assemble notes from my interview 

  12. Go cryptid hunting! (x3 (I think 3 times would be enough to catch Bigfoot)) 

  13. Edit the videos from my cryptid hunting

  14. Begin writing my TedTalk

  15. Finish the vlog 

  16. Finish writing my TedTalk

  17. Begin practicing my TedTalk

  18. Make a presentation for my TedTalk

  19. Finish practicing my TedTalk 

  20. Present at exhibitions! 


This project was eye opening to me! Not only did I realize I have the skills and capacity for a more traditionally academic project, but I also realized there's so much of the world and the universe I know nothing about. I also learned that I actually really enjoy physics and taking notes. I've found myself looking further into this project even after it's finished, just to simply learn more. I can see myself doing another project like this in the future- there's something called the Quantum Internet that I have no idea about, but is really intriguing. 

If I were redo this project, I think I would spend more time researching and reach out to professionals earlier. I say spend more time on research simply because I had a ton of motivation with this topic, and I think I could have dug in even deeper. Also, I never heard back from any of the people I reached out to, so I think I would try contacting people earlier to try and solve that problem. But overall, this was one of my more successful and meaningful projects! I truly felt like I got a lot out of this project, and that everything went well. 10/10, would (and probably will) do again! 

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