Teaching Experience
During the second quarter, I am co-teaching a class at South Burlington High School with Mark McFadden (an English teacher) and Delilah Kramer (a fellow student). The class is an integrated project workshop teaching conventional students how to learn through project based learning. Some of my responsibilities throughout this process include class prep, grading assignments, and working with Mr. McFadden and Delilah in class to provide feedback and help to students. This experience will last 8 weeks, and I meet with Mr. McFadden and Delilah outside as class time as well. As it is currently in progress and more experienced-based, I do not have many physical evidence products yet. Also, because of privacy issues, I cannot put student's submissions here. But if you have any other inquires about this experience, please contact either myself at tinye2003@gmail.com or Mr. McFadden at mmcfadden@sbschools.net.