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Service learning term 2018

creating a plastic recycling system

Project Title: Precious Plastic SBHS

Project Description: We want to recycle bottle caps in the high school, and team up with Green team to make it a legacy project. 

Group Goals: To create a system that allows us to collect and sort the bottle caps so that we can recycle them. 

Personal Goals: To work more on leadership, use new tools, and learn more about plastic and machinery. 


We did journal writing almost every day in SLT, and I have added one of my journal entries below. 



May 9th 

There is a lot of cool machines to use at the generator, but there are few of which that the systems group can utilize. The laser cutter could prove to be really useful in making our collection box, and maybe the 3D printer. Other than that, though, I’m not sure what else we can use.It was nice to have our own little space there, though! We grouped together in the little opening space, where it was more quiet and easier to talk to each other. I’m looking forward to working at the generator tomorrow as well. There’s just a feeling of creativity and ingenuity in the air, and it makes it feel like anything is possible. 

There hasn’t been a lot of roadblocks so far, more like potholes.  I think we are doing a really good job on documenting what we are doing and thinking of every day. But I think a pothole we’ve hit is lack of work to do. We have had to wait on a lot of stuff, like making the collection boxes, because we are waiting for a response from the janitors. But things are starting to gear up again, so we shouldn’t be idle for much longer! This project has been going really well, and it’s about to really start! 

I think my role in the group is almost like a secretary. I take notes down, create a lot of Google Docs, and manage the calendar. I really like this role, because it allows me to help everyone stay organized! I think my skills with computers and time management will help me in this role. Some of the impact this role has had on my group has included: 

  1. We all know when interviews and meetings are. 

  2. We have SMART Goals recorded to look back and reflect on. 

  3. We are organized! (Yay!) 

  4. We all have access to all of our documents and notes. 

I look forward to working more in this role, and to help out my team by keeping us on track and motivated! 



I made this promotional video (below) to be put up in the lobby, so people would know to put their caps in the bins! You can also click here to see more pictures from this project. 

here is the instruction manual we created for our system

here is our final presentation, which summarizes this project in whole 

here is my personal narrative, which summarizes my experience during the project

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